Check Request 2024-2025 NHSAB

Click Here to make requests now!

Upload invoices/receipts here.
* Only one file may be uploaded per request. Please combine multiple related receipts into a single file.
* Expenditures greater than $3,000 must be paid directly to the vendor (not via a coach or parent).
* Detailed invoices with date, products, quantities and price must be submitted.
* For requests with muliple receipts, please itemize your request in the description or excel summary.
* A credit card receipt, without the details, is not sufficient, except for team food at restaurants. Amount must be less than $200. Otherwise, provide full receipt.

TIMING: Checks are issued weekly. Check requests submitted here by Friday at 9 a.m. will be paid and delivered to NHS front office mailboxes or mailed by the following Wednesday at 9 a.m.

PERSONAL SERVICES: Boosters reimbursement for services provided to a team by an individual (i.e. where you are requesting a check made out in the name of an individual, not a company, for the performance of services – by way of example only, photography, videography, strength training, game officials not paid for by IUSD, to name a few) in an aggregate amount in excess of $999 per school year must be pre-approved by Boosters.

Reimbursement of a team by Boosters for any such personal services SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT OF ANY PROVIDER OF SUCH PERSONAL SERVICES, AND BOOSTERS DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPERVISION OF, OR LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO, A TEAM’S USE OF SUCH PERSONAL SERVICES. Due diligence on the provider of personal services and supervision of any such provider is the sole responsibility of the team using the services.

IMPORTANT: All coaching, athlete transportation and team tournaments conducted during IUSD Summer athletic camp or the official school year MUST be paid for by IUSD, not Boosters.
Do not submit invoices/expense reimbursement requests for these activities.

QUESTIONS? about this form or when you will receive payment? Fiona Freeland at or text/call her at 949.241.1872

POLICY/TIMING EXCEPTION QUESTIONS? Please contact our Treasurer May Geng at